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What You Need Know In Video Production

It is increasingly common to use video production for the internet to communicate, as it is very versatile and dynamic. This tool manages to get the message across to your audience, whether for more serious or lighter subjects in video production companies like gillespie productions.

Remember The CTA

We always hit the key that content is the essential part of your video, and it is. But the CTA (call to action or call to action) is what will make your audience LEAD. Think carefully about how you will do the CTA and create a link between the content and what you are offering.

Remember to offer something along the same lines as your video, so it’s easier to match the train of thought without getting too forced. Direct your audience to content you have, such as e-books, your website/blog, or even subscribing to your newsletter. So, you can get the return you expect with your video.


The camera makes a difference in the final image quality of your internet video post-production. Talk to a consultant, but if you don’t have the time or money to invest in equipment, stay calm. It is possible to record good quality videos even without professional cameras. If you don’t have a camera, you can use your smartphone, for example.

Today’s cell phones have advanced camera technology, having a good image quality. It is possible, yes, to make good quality videos with the equipment you already own. The important thing is to keep in mind, in case you don’t have time or money, to use the equipment you are most familiar with, for when you can invest in new equipment to know how to handle at least the basics.


Audio is of utmost importance, and you should be very careful with it. Your audience may watch a video with the image quality not as good. Still, it is tough to watch one with poor audio quality because it is highly complicated to understand. If an image from a recording is terrible, your audience can do other things while watching (take notes or look up more information on your website, for example). However, with low-quality audio, this does not suit. Cameras usually have a built-in microphone, but they’re not that good.

Because they capture the audio of the entire environment (including noise), you can use your cell phone as a recorder in these cases. If you are already using it as a camera, you can think of two options:

Use the phone directly on the cell phone being used as a camera so that the microphone is closer to the mouth.

So the audio is more targeted, improving its quality.

Or you can use another cell phone to record, so you can be sure the audio has been recorded and will be of good quality for editing.

If you want to invest in a microphone to make your videos more professional, see our article on the ideal microphone for your video class.

Optimize Your Time

With your location already chosen, try to keep it organized. If this is not possible, organize your studio before you start recording. That way, you optimize your time and don’t need to make unnecessary stops to get some equipment. Think about camera placement, microphone, lighting, and presenter placement before producing internet videos. This will make it easier to find a frame and focus without messing around with something to rearrange.

Tip on producing videos: always have your script at hand; this will help when the content goes blank. If you think it’s necessary, you can hold the script close to the camera, so when you need to, you can look at it without being too hard on your face.

And, if you think it’s better, some applications simulate a teleprompter (a tool often used by presenters, in which the script is passed on a screen so that it can be followed when reading).

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